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Thoughts & Inspiration

“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” (Romans 12:4-5)

I was finally ready to stop blogging for the night and start binge watching my current favs on netflix because what else would I do at 4 a.m. while I’m at work but then I just felt the urge to open up my Bible. All day today, “Romans” was circling in my head and I thought it was because I had just finished watching a documentary on Rome but then with this urge, I put it together to open it up to the book of Romans. See, in my Bible I have those cute little labs so it’s easy for me to find the beginning of each book. When I opened to Romans, instead of the first page, a few slipped out of my grip and I ended up opening to a page with Romans 12 on it. So, instead of flipping back to the first page and starting from the beginning, I just started reading and now I know why. 

I have this thing about checking out page for the World Race Semesters trip every day to see if someone new got accepted to the race and today someone did. So, I did what one very curious 18 year old does and found her Instagram, then I found out she’s friends with one of my sweetest friends and so I did what had to be done, I texted both of them and shared my overwhelming excitement. But that’s not the point, the point is that someone new got accepted to the race and thank you God for bringing us all together and perfectly creating this squad. This is your masterpiece and we are all pieces in your huge puzzle. When I was looking at our squad (which is up to 10 people now, kinda crazy) I was imagining our own little puzzle and wondering what everyone is like, how we will connect, the bonds we will create and how we will serve together. See, the thing about ministry is that we all serve differently, we all connect with God and with our ministry contacts differently, but when you travel all that way to serve a specific mission, you’re there to get the job done and share about God while doing it. My thought was mainly how we are so different but our love for God connects us and although we will serve in different ways, bringing our own experience to the table (or floor, or bunk bed or tent… who the heck knows how we’ll be living down in Central America), but we are all a team. So, when I read this I was kinda taken back and in awe of the fact that I was really just thinking about this then boom! Romans 12:4-5 was just right in front of my face. We are all members of God’s beautiful kingdom and although each and every one of us has lived a different life and connected with the Lord in a different way, we are there to be disciples and make disciples, to share our love for the King of all Kings, to teach others about the one single person who brought all of us together on this journey of a lifetime.